Creative Mind

Left or right? The dominant hemisphere of the brain can be the deciding factor if you are going to get along with the person next to you. It is a psychological circumstance that you are more drawn to certain people without any clue to why. Simply put, it is how your brain is wired.


Stereo-typically the left hemisphere orientated brain is equaled to a mathematical person and the right hemisphere orientated brain in an artist, but this stereotype has been scientifically been disregarded. The key is to realize the orientation of how your brain influences the way you think and is not subscribing you to a specific life or job description.

A left brain person is logical and prefers reason above all else, such a person usually struggle to see eye to eye with a right brain person. The right brain person thought tend to be random, relaying on intuition once the whole problem is laid out before them. In other words the right brain sees the whole situation, but the left looks at all the parts of the situation. The left is truly detail oriented.

The right brains intuition is the only reason they need. The right brain will simply jump in a pool of water of a cliff, but the left brain will analyze every aspect of the situation before they jump because of their tendency to be rational. The wind speed, the height between the cliff and the water, and the amount of rocks will all influence their choice.

The personality traits that I mentioned above are just various ways of saying that the left brain personality is objective and the right brain personality is subjective. These modes of think can influence each other positively or negatively. It is important to remember you are not restricted to one orientation.

D-News (2013) did a news report on the myths of the left and right orientated personalities. They explained that one person did not have only one orientation, a person applies different orientations to different situation. The report focused on results of a scientific project that took over a year, look at peoples’ brain activity.  Not one person showed a specific orientation.

A person makes thousands of connections between the two hemispheres a day, depending on the action. A clever example of this is language; the left side of the brain is responsible for speech, so every person uses their left hemisphere daily. The stereotype has been proven wrong.

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